Singer, rapper, and actor who is one of the 4 Summerall brothers. He has over 1.2 million followers on Instagram. He joined Annie LeBlanc in a 2017 viral music video which was a cover of the Alex & Sierra song "Little Did You Know."Before Fame
He is from Dallas, Texas and later moved to Los Angeles.Trivia
He participated in a meet and greet called Winter Lights 2 in Phoenix, Arizona in December of 2014. On his 12th birthday, he blew out birthday candles at the Famous Birthdays office.Family Life

Associated With
He published a cover of Jake Miller's "Goodbye" to YouTube.Follow with us, this interview that Hayden granted to Teen Music Insider:
Hayden you started your music career at a very young age, what inspired you to try music at all?
I have been an actor my whole life and it sort of just happened a couple years ago when I met Jake Miller and really liked his music.
How would you describe your musical style?
It’s kind of Pop, R&B, Rap… It’s hard to say because it’s still a work in progress, but I like all kinds of music. I really enjoy country music also. I just like GOOD music, it doesn’t matter what kind.
What artists do you look up to right now?
I was really a big fan of One Direction, I also like Jake Miller and of course Justin Bieber.
You recorded the song, “Love Is The Name” for Dreamworks. What was that whole experience like for you?
That was amazing! I have done a few projects with Dreamworks and they have all been really fun. On that one I got to work with some friends and some other really cool creators. It was a really big production, people don’t realize how much work goes into something that looks so simple.
Can we expect any new music soon? If so can you spill some details about them?

Are there any other projects in the works you can tell us about?
I will be having a music video for the new original song coming soon. I am also talking with a few tours about performing at some US cities and possibly some cities overseas.
You also do a lot of cover songs as well. What’s the process of choosing a cover song for you to sing?
Let’s be honest, I am really young so I have to choose songs that are in my range and also there are a lot of great songs that have “not so good” content or lyrics. But I only want to do songs that I like. Sometimes you just hear a song, and you know that it’s going to be the one.
What was your favorite cover song to record?
I have had a great time with all of them really, but probably “Stressed Out” because I got to record that with my friend Johnny Orlando and then film the video with him also. That was one of those songs that when I first heard it I was like THAT’S THE ONE.
What’s your favorite song to perform live?
My Original song “You’re My Girl” for sure. I really enjoy covering Justin Biebers song “One Time” also.
Does your fanbase have a name?
People ask that all the time, and they ask me what I want them called. That’s weird for me, I guess. I’m just glad they are fans and they can call themselves whatever they want and I’ll still love them. But, they have a few names and Haydenators seems to be the most common.
How do you want your relationship to be with your fans?
Up close. I try my best to talk to them through my Instagram, Twitter, FB, Snapchat or Musical.ly as much as I can. It’s really hard to even come close to reaching them all, but I try and I think they know that. If you’re watching or reading this then keep trying.
What was the craziest fan encounter you have had?
There has been a few creepy ones that we won’t talk about! LOL…
But the craziest may be when we were on tour, there were some girls that would come to 7-8 cities. They would actually follow us across the United States to watch the shows. We loved it of course, and glad they did, but that’s pretty crazy. There is also some fans that try to talk to you, but they can’t talk because they start crying… It’s sad because you can tell they really wanted to meet you bad and then they freeze up and can’t say anything… You just have to give them a hug and hope they remember. But after all that cryin they can’t be happy with that selfie. LOL
What social media platform do you use most to stay connected to your fans?
Instagram mostly but I’m really trying to step up my Twitter game.
You recently were apart of the Boys Of Summer Tour can you tell us a little bit about what that experience was like? What’s it like being on the road?
Going on tour was crazy fun. The first 4 weeks went sooo fast and then I was real sleepy for the last 2 weeks. But It was my best summer ever. getting to meet so many fans all across the US and then getting to hang out with the other guys. Some of them were good friends before the tour like Carson Lueders, Johnny Orlando and Lauren Orlando. Oh, I can’t forget the dancers either Nadia and Ruby Turner. They danced for both Me and Johnny and they are amazing! And they are also great friends of ours.
Are you going on tour again anytime soon?
Hopefully! I know my management is talking with a few of them.
What’s an average day for “Hayden Summerall” look like?
Unfortunately school has started, so I wake up early for that, then I go home, eat and depending on what night it is, I may have vocal or dance lesson and there is always some type of promo, recording or video shoot going on. But with all my extra time I just hang with my friends, ride scooters or swim and do things that kids do.
What goals have you set out for yourself in your career and in your personal life?
For my career I just want to keep doing what I’m doing as long as I’m having fun and just see where it goes.
In my personal life, my parents taught me to be a good person first and everything else will be fine. I am also working on a Charity Foundation with my brothers Jimmy, Hunter and Dylan and when I have more details I will be excited to tell everyone about our first fundraiser.
How has this whole music career experience been?
It has been a great experience, and no matter what, it’s been a cool ride in only 2 years. Im only 11 so what more can I ask for?
Do you have any advice for aspiring music artists?
Yes, that’s one of the most asked questions from fans, and I just tell them what my parents told me… You can do whatever you want in life as long as you have fun and don’t quit.
I have also seen a few of your youtube videos and they are hilarious. What made you want to start making videos on youtube?
I have some friends that do it and it looked like fun. Me and Lauren Orlando have made several of them together and we just have a good time. It is something that started as more of a pastime and kinda grew.
What is the process to make a “Hayden Summerall” YouTube video?
Well that depends. If your talking about the challenge videos… it is usually me and a friend sitting around chilling and we say “we should do a challenge video” and it just happens. Now for the music videos it’s much more work and it would take a long time to explain that one.
What are your favorite videos to make?
I really like both. The challenge videos is more like hanging with friends, but I usually have friends in my music videos also. I like the creative side of music videos.
You have also worked with other YouTubers like Carson Lueders, Jordyn Jones, and Johnny Orlando. What’s it like working with these guys?
They are all amazing and I love all 3 of them. Its another question I get asked a lot because they are so talented. But something I think about is, they keep getting referred to as “YouTubers” and in my mind they are all really good music artists. I think it won’t be long before that question will be “you have worked with other “artist” like Carson, Jordyn and Johnny”. I think it’s just the way it is these days because most artists get started on YouTube. But there is some CRAZY talent on YouTube these days.
Are you planning any new collaborations for your channel anytime soon?
I do have a few plans for music that I can’t let out just yet, but it’s going to be fun. And who knows, me and Lauren may do a few more challenges just for fun.
What YouTuber has influenced you the most? – Cameron Dallas, Tyler Oakley, etc.
Funny thing is, I didn’t ever watch YouTube until I recorded my first song “Goodbye” by Jake Miller and made a video. Then I started out watching musical artists like Shawn Mendes, but Cameron Dallas is like a legend on YouTube. So those two definitely had a lot of influence but, I could even say that I have learned a lot from Johnny, Carson and Jordyn. They have always been there when I need them.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years in your career and personal life?
Hopefully Justin Bieber will be calling me wanting to open my show… JUST KIDDING!!.
Hey, just to play on a stage that he has performed on would be amazing. And in my personal life, I don’t really want it to be any different, I’m having fun like it is.
Last question, Many people in our generation are starting to create content to post on youtube. What advice can you give my followers about how to make yourself standout on such a big platform like youtube?
That’s a tough question because I ask myself that all the time. I’m not sure there is a right answer, other than just be yourself, and smile.
We just wanted to say thank you again for doing this interview with us and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for you.
Thanks you so much! You’ve been great.
Follow Hayden On All His Social Media Platforms:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/haydensummerall/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HaydenSummerall
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haydensummerallofficial/
Website: http://www.haydensummerall.com
Fonte: https://www.famousbirthdays.com e http://teenmusicinsider.com
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